A study has confirmed that crime rates in Lowertown are much higher than in other similar downtown communities. Crimes against the person are 3 times higher and crimes against property are 2 times higher. The researchers also found that crime rates in the ByWard Market neighbourhood are 2.5 times higher than in the rest of Lowertown. In an online survey conducted by the researchers, residents of Lowertown identified crime and public disorder as their top concern.
This past summer, the Lowertown Community Association (LCA) employed two students from the Master’s Program in Criminology at the University of Ottawa to assess crime and public disorder in Lowertown/ByWard. The researchers presented the report of their findings to Lowertown residents on Tuesday October 9. Residents and the Lowertown Community Association then discussed the follow up actions they want the City, the police, the private sector and residents to take.
The full text of the report is now available at http://www.lowertown-basseville.ca/
Norman Moyer who was responsible for this research project at the LCA said, “Even condos and hotels in the Market are starting to hire their own security. It is time for the City to act. The City could start by enforcing its own bylaws which limit the number of bars in the ByWard neighbourhood.”
The Lowertown Community Association asks that the city develop an Action Plan in collaboration with all stakeholders (including the police, private sector, and residents) to ensure the long term sustainability of the community. The LCA demands that the city take ownership and accountability for this issue by designating it a Term of Council Priority.
Media contact: Norman Moyer, 613-889-1206; after October 13 contact [email protected]

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