Our Mandate, Structure and Leadership
Our Mandate:
To understand and support the interests of Lowertown residents in matters of community concern, and in particular: physical planning, heritage and culture, safety and security, transportation issues, environmental issues, housing and homelessness, and cultural and recreational activities.
To this end, the Board and the formal committees actively communicate with and educate and animate the community on matters affecting the future of Lowertown by means of its monthly meetings, the LCA website, The Echo community newspaper, Facebook, and Twitter as well as providing a platform to allow residents to voice their ideas and opinions. It cooperates with other community associations and groups on matters of common interest.
To understand and support the interests of Lowertown residents in matters of community concern, and in particular: physical planning, heritage and culture, safety and security, transportation issues, environmental issues, housing and homelessness, and cultural and recreational activities.
To this end, the Board and the formal committees actively communicate with and educate and animate the community on matters affecting the future of Lowertown by means of its monthly meetings, the LCA website, The Echo community newspaper, Facebook, and Twitter as well as providing a platform to allow residents to voice their ideas and opinions. It cooperates with other community associations and groups on matters of common interest.
Our Structure:
The association is comprised of a Board of Directors which is elected each year in June at the Annual General Meeting. A number of committees of the Board are responsible for matters of concern to the association and the general public. The association and its committees meet on a monthly basis except in July and August. Recommendations for action emanating from the committees or general membership are made to the President and the Board.
The association is comprised of a Board of Directors which is elected each year in June at the Annual General Meeting. A number of committees of the Board are responsible for matters of concern to the association and the general public. The association and its committees meet on a monthly basis except in July and August. Recommendations for action emanating from the committees or general membership are made to the President and the Board.
President: Sylvie Bigras Vice-President and Chair, Planning: Warren Waters Vice-President and Chair, Safety & Security, and Co-ordinator of the Friends of Lowertown Parks: Sandra Milton Treasurer: LLoyd Morrison Secretary: Vacant Director: Chair, Housing & Homelessness Committee Bruce Kelly Director: Chair Transportation Committee Dominic Santos Director: Chair, Arts & Culture Committee Kendra Hughes Director: Co-Chair, Heritage Committee Andrew Waldron Director: Co-Chair, Heritage Committee Nancy Miller Chenier Director: Co-Chair, Security and Safety Committee Julie Lanteigne Director: Communications & Community Outreach Vacant 2022 - 2023 Appointed Positions
Representative to the Federation of Citizens' Associations: Vacant Liaison with the Business Community: Zach Dayler Bingham Park Rink Coordinator Vacant Lowertown East Resident’s Committee Liaison Sandra Pilote ByWard Market Core Team Liaison Vacant Walkability Liaison John Woodhouse Editor, The Lowertown Echo Vacant |
EXÉCUTIF 2022-2023
Présidente Sylvie Bigras Vice-président et Président, comité de planification: Warren Waters Vice-présidente et Co-présidente, comité de sécurité et de sûreté et Coordonnatrice des Amis des parcs de la Basse-Ville Sandra Milton Trésorier: Lloyd Morrison Secrétaire: Vacant Directeur: Président, comité du logement et de l'itinérance Bruce Kelly Directeur: Président, comité des transports Dominic Santos Directrice: Présidente, comité des arts et de la culture Kendra Hughes Directeur: Co- Président, comité du patrimoine Andrew Waldron Directrice: CoPrésidente, comité du patrimoine Nancy Miller Chenier Directrice: CoPrésidente, comité de sécurité et de sûreté Julie Lanteigne Directeur: communications et liaison communautaire Vacant POSTES DÉSIGNÉS 2020 - 2021
Représentante à la fédération des associations de citoyens Vacant Liaison avec les commerces Zach Dayler Coordonateur de la patinoire du parc Bingham Vacant Liaison avec le Comité des résidents de la Basse-Ville Est Sandra Pilote Liaison avec l’Équipe de base du Marché By Vacant Liaison de la Marchabilité John Woodhouse Rédacteur, L’Écho de la Basse-Ville Vacant |