The Lowertown Echo is being re-launched with a plan to release the first issue in November. The LCA is calling for volunteers to help put the newspaper together. Please read our pitch here & you can view below. L'Écho de la Basse-Ville sera relancé avec un plan de distribution pour le mois de novembre. L'ACBV est à la recherche de bénévoles afin d'aider à produire le journal. SVP lire notre demande ici et vous pouvez aussi la visionner ci-dessous. Merci! The LCA has sent a letter concerning the application for a ROW patio at 113-115 Clarence. You can find the letter here.
Follow up on Market and Tunnel study funding: In a meeting with LCA representatives March 1st, the Mayor committed to approaching the Province about funding for the Market Revitalization Project.
The Mayor has since sent a letter to Ottawa Vanier MPP, Natalie Des Rosiers, asking for her support in obtaining 1/3 funding from the Province to go towards the $10M Market Revitalization Project and I have attached that letter to this email for you. Additionally, the Mayor has sent a letter to the Minister of Transportation, Steven Del Duca, asking for the province to commit matching funding ($2.5M) to undertake the Environmental Assessment for the downtown Ottawa Truck Tunnel and the letter is attached. It's September and that means the return of the LCA's monthly meetings! The next meeting will be held Monday September 11th, 7pm at the Routhier Community centre, 172 Guigues ave. To be discussed will be various volunteer opportunities on LCA Committees, the Overdose prevention site and an update from our councillor.
Meeting Agenda here. Last month's monthly meeting notes here. C'est le temps de notre réunion mensuel pour l'Association communautaire de la Basse-Ville! La prochain réunion aura lieu lundi le 11 septembre, 19h au Centre Communautaire Routhier, 172 Guigues. Les thèmes de la réunion seront la rentrée des divers comités de l'association, le site de prévention de surdose et une mise à jour de notre conseiller municipal. Ordre du jour de la réunion. Notes des la dernière réunion. All public meetings will be held at Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, unless otherwise noted. For a complete agenda and updates, please sign up for email alerts or visit, or call 3-1-1.
Ottawa Police Services Board – Finance and Audit Committee – Monday, September 11, 10:00 a.m., Richmond Room
Planning Committee – Tuesday, September 12, 9:30 a.m., Champlain Room
Built Heritage Sub-committee – Thursday, September 14, 9:30 a.m., Champlain Room
Overdose Prevention site - LCA Survey
The pop-up Overdose Prevention Site located at St. Patrick and Cumberland has been operating every day since August 25th 2017. Many in the community have expressed concerns about the site and many have been supportive of it. The LCA would like to know what you think of the Pop-up Overdose Prevention site. Please fill out this short survey here: Site de prévention de surdose - sondage Le site temporaire de prévention de surdose situé sur les coins de rues St.Patrick et Cumberland opère tous les jours depuis le 25 août, 2017. Plusieurs résidents dans la communauté ont exprimé leur désarroi face à ce site alors que plusieurs autres ont exprimé leur support. L'Association veut savoir ce que vous en pensez. SVP prenez le temps de remplir ce court sondage ici. Lien au sondage: |
Blog archives
November 2023