Planning Committee
Objective: Our objective is to proactively define the kind of community development we want, and respond to specific development proposals as they arrive. The intent is to inform residents and encourage their participation in planning issues.
Assumptions: The more community residents understand how planning works, the more they will be involved in helping to shape a better community. To this end, our role at the planning committee should be to help educate the LCA board, and the community, on planning policies and zoning regulations affecting Lowertown. The Planning committee should also communicate planning activities happening in Lowertown to residents and provide a platform to allow them to voice their opinions.
Chair: Warren Waters
Members: Anne Valois, Avery Burns, Beth Evans, Hala Elshayal, Ilona Horvath, Liz McKenzie, Lloyd Morrison, Nancy Miller Chenier, Peter Ferguson, Sylvie Grenier
The committee will meet on a monthly basis except in July and August. Some work will be done through email. Recommendations for action will be made to the President and/or the board for follow-up. The committee will report on priority issues at monthly LCA meetings and regularly through electronic means. Members are expected to participate in or coordinate specific projects and keep the committee informed.
Current Priorities:
Objective: Our objective is to proactively define the kind of community development we want, and respond to specific development proposals as they arrive. The intent is to inform residents and encourage their participation in planning issues.
Assumptions: The more community residents understand how planning works, the more they will be involved in helping to shape a better community. To this end, our role at the planning committee should be to help educate the LCA board, and the community, on planning policies and zoning regulations affecting Lowertown. The Planning committee should also communicate planning activities happening in Lowertown to residents and provide a platform to allow them to voice their opinions.
Chair: Warren Waters
Members: Anne Valois, Avery Burns, Beth Evans, Hala Elshayal, Ilona Horvath, Liz McKenzie, Lloyd Morrison, Nancy Miller Chenier, Peter Ferguson, Sylvie Grenier
The committee will meet on a monthly basis except in July and August. Some work will be done through email. Recommendations for action will be made to the President and/or the board for follow-up. The committee will report on priority issues at monthly LCA meetings and regularly through electronic means. Members are expected to participate in or coordinate specific projects and keep the committee informed.
- Review development proposals as required including requests for minor variances circulated by the City. If concerns arise, recommend a response to the President and the board.
- Provide input on City policy development and special projects as they arise.
- Collaborate with the Heritage Committee on planning issues affecting heritage buildings and landscapes.
- Liaise and work with stakeholders including the Lowertown community in seeking solutions to issues.
- Undertake LCA-initiated planning projects or files deemed beneficial to Lowertown.
Current Priorities:
- Use LCA Vision 2035 to guide responses to development opportunities and proposals.
- Ensure follow up on the adoption and implementation of the ByWard Market Public Realm Plan and on development proposals for the Market; ensure the following issues are addressed: loss of food retail, enforcement issues around the proliferation of bars/restaurants, safety and security and a better environment for pedestrians.
- Monitor active development applications and provide advice to the City and developers on zoning amendment proposals and site plans as appropriate.
- Convene interested parties regarding a workshop on the challenges of development in a heritage area with a focus on the state of housing stock in Lowertown – Heritage Ottawa will be approached to see if they could take this on.
- Review the effectiveness of internal and external communications, identify gaps, to better target and inform the Lowertown community.